Welcome To The Village At Sandhill

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Books A Million Categories : Shopping

164 Forum Drive
Columbia SC 29229

Phone : 803-788-4349

Business Information

Founded in 1917 as a street corner newsstand in Florence, Alabama, Books-A-Million, Inc. has grown to become the premier book retailing chain in the Southeastern United States, and the second largest book retailer in the nation.

books a million store at villages at Sandhill

visit our Books A Million store at Villages at Sandhill-easy access and parking. Join our Millionaires’ Club! for savings and great new items.

Books-A-Million storesprovide an expansive selection of books, magazines, bargain books, collectible supplies, toys, technology and gift departments, as well as special category shops within the store. Our “Faithpoint” category, for instance, features the best of references and writings for the Christian market.